Wednesday, January 27, 2010

This is how I stand for 2010 in regards to SNGs. I haven't played much at all, but at least its a positive start.

lfunk11 100 $2 $7 43% $189 PokerStars Year 2010
lfunk11 38 -$1 $8 -5% -$28 FullTilt Year 2010

Here are my stats in the game I will be focusing on

lfunk11 72 $6 $6 85% $396 PokerStars Year 2010 E45-45 S5-10
Well, its been a long time since I posted here. My poker career has had its highs and lows, but I think I am finally at a point in my life to really start to get serious about it. Too many time I won money in a tournament and then donked a chunk of it of playing cash games or stupid stakes for people. I have a simple plan going forward and the biggest challenge will be sticking to it. My personal goal is an overall profit of $25K for 2010 from poker. This is net profit after paying out splits from stakes and makeup owed. If I win $ through tourneys I am not really going to see much of it to start until I start to get even on some of the makeup I owe. Some people have chosen not to invest in me again and that will save some money initially, but I imagine they might start investing again if I turn things around.

My torunament play will be mostly backed through and I think I am going to try and stay on my own for SNGs.

My path forward.

MTTs - I am going to try and stick to a lower ABI, nothing really to do with the level of competition, but I can play more tables for less money and I hope to increase my overall ROI doing so. I will still play some higher buy-ins, but I want to approach this with volume at mid levels where know I can win consistently. So i am going to do my best to stay away from playing a bunch of $100+ tourneys. I will play them, but only 1-2 a night at most.

SNGs - I have been working on my 45 turbo game at the $6.50 level on Stars. I have been profitable at the $27s in the past, but things went sour last year. I am relearning the game and will stay at this level for now. I need to get much more volume in though

Cash games - I just tilt too easily playing cash games so I will do my best to stay away from them. Playing live cash games has never been issue for me so I will be playing some live ever now and then. Pennsylvania will be getting table games this summer so I will be heading up to Washington, PA once they get them

Thats all for now - I do not plan on advertising this blog anywhere so I doubt anyone will be reading it, but if someone shows up here by chance don't hesitate to say high.